Model Railroad Showcase

Model railroad with tunnel and waystationHere is a scene from my Blue Ridge and Southern Railroad

Do you have a model railroad layout or scene that you would like to share and showcase on this site?

If you’re like me, you may have been building layouts for years, with no one ever knowing about it except for your family and a few friends.

Building a model train layout is a major accomplishment. It should be recognized. If you don't show it to anyone, it’s like writing a book and never having it published.

This is your chance to get your empire acknowledged – no matter how big or how small. If you’ve put a railroad together and you think it’s interesting – something you’re proud of – why not let us see it here?

It doesn’t have to be a complete layout. You may want to show a particular scene or diorama that you’ve done. Or perhaps you’ve built an interesting structure for your railroad that you’re proud of. It could be a kit-bashing or scratch-building project - or a good weathering technique.

It’s easy!

All you have to do is write 2 or 3 paragraphs, or more if you want, telling about how you built it, what problems you’ve had to overcome if any, what you like most about your layout or about the hobby, and anything else you think might be interesting about it. If you don’t think you can write that well, that’s okay. Just put something down that makes sense and I’ll fix it. You’ll still get credit for the article. You can show your friends and family the page you made for the Internet about your own model railroad layout.

I hope you’ll be able to send us a picture, but you don’t have to. If you have a picture to send, you may have to resize it since the maximum size we can use is 800x600 pixels. You can use your own photo software to do this or download Google’s Photos for PC or use the Photos Export function or even the Preview program for Mac.

So if you have a railroad layout or scene that is begging to be shared, here is the place to let us know about it. Model railroaders are always interested to see what others have done just as you are. It really makes us all better modelers. Besides, it's fun to see your own work showcased on a web page!

I guarantee you'll like it. But if, for some reason, you don't, I'll fix it or delete it. So, you have nothing to lose. Just fill out the form below, include a picture if you have one, and that's all there is to it. Then, sit back and after a week or so watch YOUR page appear as a link from this page!


Your Model Railroading Adventure!

So if you’ve got something to show, don’t let it just sit there in your basement or garage. Send us a picture. Tell us about it. It’s fun. It’s free. Go for it!

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Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

My HO train layout 
I used a 6x6 foot section of thick plywood for the base supported by two sawhorses. I bought a cheapo Bachmann train set and an oval track layout. The …

Kitbashing with Scale Plans 
We've recently completed modeling the Monon Depot in Lafayette, Indiana. Someone mentioned to me that the main part of it looked like a bank, so I lopped …

Actual N Scale working Drive In Movie Theatre 
Have built three N scale layouts, 3 x 4, 4 x 4 and 3 x 6, basically all from scratch. The pics attached are from my 4 x 4 layout and depict an actual …

Realistic Scenery from Aluminum Flashing! 
I have developed a new approach to model railway scenery. Strong, light, pliable, realistic in appearance, inexpensive, transportable and easy. Components …

OBB Wildbach HO 
My name is Anthony. I live in Australia. I first became interested in Model Trains when i received a layout made by my Father for Xmas when I was 7 …

Northern Hills Railway Society 
The Northern Hills Railway Society, located on Main Street in Deadwood, South Dakota, has just added a new window display to its attraction. The …

About 10 years ago I bought a few Lionel trains that were packed away in a wooden crate.Since I`ve been a kid I always loved model railroads and having …

A new beginning 
A new start with photos to share within the new hobby barn. The great thing about starting over is that one can rebuild with what you have as I am in stages …

The Town of Pine Valley 
Well this layout is 38 inches wide by 10 feet long consisting of O Gauge track and KLine buildings, with some RailKing products as well. I built this …

O Scale Dioramas 
Hi... Im not sure if my works qualify as a real model railroad. I am building structures, and not a real layout yet. Anyway, please do check my blog, …

KCS&P Fast Freight RR Not rated yet
A little change of pace from HO for all your O Gauge website fans. For those that may not be aware, when HO was invented, it was referred to as 'Half …

Mymodeltrain Not rated yet
This is my newly built rail in the backyard. Initially, I have zero knowledge about model trains. I built this rail in 1 month after calling dealers asking …

A "Hybrid" Structure Not rated yet
I was in the process of looking for interesting rail yard buildings to add to the collection, and at the same time I have been practicing my skills with …

Rural Church Diorama Not rated yet
After planning the scene, I gathered all my materials, which I had purchased (HO scale church,tombstones,scenery materials, adhesives, etc.) at hobby shops, …

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See what other model railroaders have accomplished...

Drive-In Theater - An Actual Working Drive-In Theater on Geoff Plumb's AE&SC RR. Talk about special effects - This is awesome!

Railroad in a Bar -  a fantastic idea for a small layout - and very well done... by Jeff Andrew

Alpine Wonderland -  This beautiful European model railroad layout designed and created by Alan Fisher, is an outstanding and inspirational work of art.

Horace and William Creek Railroad - Some of the most realistic scenery I've ever seen.

Northlandz - Model railroading on a grand scale. You have to see this to believe it.

NYC Botanical Garden Train Display - Fantastic Model Train Exhibition around the Holidays featuring all structures elaborately made out of plant materials.

The Chesapeake Bay and Western Model Railroad - One of the largest HO scale model railroads in Virginia, nicely detailed and well-operated by a great club.

Seaboard Railroad Station This restored railroad station in Suffolk, VA is now a museum containing a large 2-room model railroad accurately depicting the area and the time when the station was at its peak.

Bob Fahrney’s Model Railroad – an adventure into the world of computer control.

Building My Empire - Building My Empire is a great article written to explain the step-by-step process that one of my visitors went through in building his railroad.

Time for Sound - How to add an inexpensive sound mechanism to a gondola - by John Thompson

Blue Ridge and Southern Railroad - My personal empire!

Chuck Davis' Lehigh Valley Railroad -A fantastic, realistic operational work of art built by a Master Model Railroader who also happens to be in my local Tidewater/MER Division of the NMRA!

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